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Secção de Documentários => Secção online => Documentários online => Tópico iniciado por: FragaCampos em Terça, 28 de Agosto, 2012 - 05h14

Título: You Are Here - The Oil Journey (2011)
Enviado por: FragaCampos em Terça, 28 de Agosto, 2012 - 05h14
YOU ARE HERE: The Oil Journey

Áudio :ru:  Legendas: :ru:


PostCarbon.org (http://www.postcarbon.org/video/429107-who-killed-economic-growth#)

AFTER A CENTURY OF CRUDE, IT'S TIME TO REFINE OUR VISION: The 20th Century can be viewed through any of the three great trends of our time — economic growth, social progress, and environmental damage. But a fourth trend — growing energy use —underlies each of these, literally fueling the incredible journey we've been on in the last 100 years. And changes in the landscape of energy may well trigger a whole new journey for humanity. The legendary actor and narrator Peter Coyote tells the story of our oil journey.

This is a customizable presentation *you* can use to tell your own journey and to invite new people to join the larger conversation.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv2MHEDlXlU#ws (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv2MHEDlXlU#ws)