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Título: Sacred Music (2008)
Enviado por: irineudocs em Terça, 26 de Junho, 2012 - 00h55
BBC Four Channel
Sacred Music (Season 1)
(Música Sacra)
Narrado em :br:


Um visual rico e uma jornada musical pelos 600 anos de música sacra. Eventos marcantes da história da música como o surgimento dos corais polifônicos, a construção da majestosa catedral gótica de Notre Dame, a renascença italiana e o rompimento de Henrique VIII com a Igreja Católica criaram dilemas da fé e da música nos compositores da época. Como a reforma protestante de Martinho Lutero provocou uma revolução na música de Johann Sebastian Bach.

S01E01 - A Revolução Gótica
He begins his journey at Notre Dame in Paris, where an enigmatic medieval music manuscript provides the key to the early development of polyphony - music of 'many voices'. Featuring music performed by members of the award-winning choir The Sixteen, conducted by Harry Christophers.

S01E02 - Palestrina e os Papas
He uncovers the links between the papal intrigues of Renaissance Rome and the music of the enigmatic Palestrina, whose work is considered by many to be unsurpassed in its spiritual perfection. The art and architecture of the Italian High Renaissance are accompanied by a performance from the award-winning choir The Sixteen, conducted by founder Harry Christophers.

S01E03 - Tallis, Byrd e os Tudor
Beale takes us back to Tudor England, a country in turmoil as monarchs change the national religion and Roman Catholicism is driven underground. In telling the story of Thomas Tallis and William Byrd, two composers at the centre of England's own musical Renaissance, Beale visits parish churches, great cathedrals and a private home where Catholic music would have been performed in secret.

S01E04 - Bach e o Legado Luterano
With music performed by The Sixteen, conducted by Harry Christophers, Beale explores how Martin Luther, himself a composer, had a profound effect on the development of sacred music, re-defining the role of congregational singing and the use of the organ in services. Ultimately, these reforms would shape the world of JS Bach and inspire him to write some of the greatest sacred music.

Título: Re: Sacred Music (2008)
Enviado por: irineudocs em Terça, 26 de Junho, 2012 - 01h08
Documentário aqui (http://www.docspt.com/index.php?topic=20210.msg67448#msg67448).

Todos créditos pro garimpeiro nagol, que me deu a dica onde encontrar tudo !!!!!  :beer:
Título: Re: Sacred Music (2008)
Enviado por: doro_boy em Quarta, 25 de Dezembro, 2013 - 00h11
Download TVrip dublado em :br: aqui (http://www.docspt.com/index.php/topic,20210.0.html)
Título: Re: Sacred Music (2008)
Enviado por: ibbins em Quinta, 25 de Janeiro, 2024 - 14h44
Adicionado link para o episódio 4. Demais links atualizados.