.: docsPT :. Documentários em português

Secção de Pedidos => Pedidos de documentários => Pedidos satisfeitos => Tópico iniciado por: marlyveras em Segunda, 19 de Maio, 2014 - 00h25

Título: Pedido - Zebras: Patterns in the Grass (1991)
Enviado por: marlyveras em Segunda, 19 de Maio, 2014 - 00h25
Zebras: Patterns in the Grass


[imdb] (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0867484/)

Not all things about the Zebra are black and white. This striped creature of the African plains is smaller in size than its relative the horse but resembles a wild ass in both appearance and character. The 60-minute documentary takes viewers to the veldt to witness a marvel: the great zebra migration in Botswana. Thousands of zebras, traveling in herds, cross old trails and grasslands inhabited by wildebeests, giraffes, elephants, tigers, and two of its deadliest enemies: lions and human hunters. This documentary is filled with stunning photography and informative narration about this ancient creature of the African plains.
Título: Re: Pedido - Zebras: Patterns in the Grass (1991)
Enviado por: VitDoc em Segunda, 09 de Agosto, 2021 - 18h03
Documentário em :ru: aqui (https://www.docspt.com/index.php?topic=44860).

Pedido satisfeito.