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Secção de Documentários => Secção online => Documentários online => Tópico iniciado por: psdias em Sexta, 25 de Maio, 2018 - 14h08

Título: Tintin Et Moi (2003)
Enviado por: psdias em Sexta, 25 de Maio, 2018 - 14h08

[wikipedia] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tintin_and_I)

The film is based on Numa Sadoul's revealing interviews with Hergé from the 1970s, and goes into detail about Hergé's life and how the success of Tintin affected it. The film is based strongly around Hergé's experiences and state of mental health leading up to the writing of Tintin in Tibet, often heralded as Hergé's most personal album. The history of Tintin is examined through Hergé's life and the way that he was affected by the growing popularity of his character.

The underlying theme of the film is the way that Hergé's private life affected his work; for example, Bianca Castafiore is a subconscious (or perhaps conscious) reflection of Georges' first wife, Germaine, and the way that Captain Haddock responds to her reflects the way Georges often felt towards his wife. Specifically, the mothering instinct that Germaine had toward him is shown most explicitly in The Castafiore Emerald. The subject of religion is also discussed, including Georges' gradual disillusioned view of the Catholic church, and the opposition he came up against due to Wolff's sacrifice in Explorers on the Moon. The influence of Chang on Georges' work is also highlighted, using reconstructed footage and actual archive footage of their meeting in 1934.

Encontrei o vídeo no seguinte link (com legendas em inglês, já embutidas no vídeo):


Título: Re: Tintin Et Moi (2003)
Enviado por: ibbins em Sábado, 26 de Maio, 2018 - 00h22
Tens este (http://www.docspt.com/index.php?topic=29356.0): Discovering Hergé