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Secção de Documentários => Secção online => Documentários online => Tópico iniciado por: VitDoc em Domingo, 26 de Fevereiro, 2023 - 20h20

Título: How To Operate Your Brain (1994)
Enviado por: VitDoc em Domingo, 26 de Fevereiro, 2023 - 20h20
How To Operate Your Brain


[imdb] (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0436406/)

A trippy, artistic romp through Timothy Leary's philosophy of the early 1990s. Leary and his video team condensed their public lecture tour into this stimulating self-examination course for home viewing. Colorful flashing images barrage the senses as Leary narrates topics like Socrates, how to surf the waves of chaos, and the power of the pupil; all while encouraging us to think for ourselves and question authority. Only 30 minutes, but seems like an hour.


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