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Secção de Documentários => Secção online => Documentários online => Tópico iniciado por: VitDoc em Segunda, 03 de Abril, 2023 - 00h22

Título: Der Zauber Der Taube (2001)
Enviado por: VitDoc em Segunda, 03 de Abril, 2023 - 00h22
Arte: Der Zauber Der Taube (aka. Doves and Pigeons: Peace Symbol and Urban Pest)


[imdb] (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1371156/)

Doves and pigeons are masters of navigation, with extraordinary homing abilities and sense of orientation. This program uncovers the myths and cultural stigmatization imposed on doves and pigeons, and chronicles the unwitting contributions these animals have made to science, medicine and history.

Legenda em :ru: aqui (https://www.docspt.com/index.php?topic=1523.0).