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Secção de Documentários => Secção online => Documentários online => Tópico iniciado por: VitDoc em Sábado, 08 de Abril, 2023 - 14h21

Título: Ibogaine - Rite Of Passage (2004)
Enviado por: VitDoc em Sábado, 08 de Abril, 2023 - 14h21
Ibogaine - Rite of Passage


[imdb] (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0431823/)

Áudio em :fr:

Ibogaine: Rite of Passage follows an American heroin addict through an ibogaine session at a clinic in Tijuana, Mexico. Through a series of critical interviews with former addicts, ibogaine facilitators, and other experts, the documentary asks if the controversial status of ibogaine is due to economics or to its hallucinogenic effects?


Legenda em :ru: aqui (https://www.docspt.com/index.php?topic=2598.0).