.: docsPT :. Documentários em português

Secção de Pedidos => Pedidos de documentários => Tópico iniciado por: VitDoc em Terça, 18 de Abril, 2023 - 16h15

Título: Pedido - Shadows In Paradise - Hitler's Exiles In Hollywood (2008)
Enviado por: VitDoc em Terça, 18 de Abril, 2023 - 16h15
Shadows In Paradise - Hitler's Exiles In Hollywood


[imdb] (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1584728/)

By 1939, 30,000 intellectuals and radicals were exiled from Europe, 80% were Jewish. These dramatic events sent many of the greatest minds of the 20th century into exile in the United States. The manna of creative intensity that hovered over Berlin in the 20's, - in music, art, theater and film - that glow of aesthetic productivity was extinguished. In some ways, Los Angeles in the 30's and early 40's may be seen as its afterglow...when scores of exiles, fleeing the upsurge of European fascism, briefly transformed Southern California into one of the capitals of world culture, and profoundly altered the horizons of American music, literature, and the arts.