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Secção de Documentários => Secção online => Documentários online => Tópico iniciado por: VitDoc em Sábado, 06 de Janeiro, 2024 - 22h09

Título: Impressions De La Haute Mongolie (1976)
Enviado por: VitDoc em Sábado, 06 de Janeiro, 2024 - 22h09
Impressions De La Haute Mongolie


[imdb] (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0347238/)

Salvador Dalí's romance with film and the visual arts is a relatively well-known chapter in the life of the original and controversial Spanish (Catalan) artist (1904-1989). His collaboration with Luis Buñuel in the writing of Un Chien Andalou (1929) and L'Age D'Or (1930) has been extensively examined and documented. However, his explorations of video art with the production of the "documentary" Impressions de la haute Mongolie. Hommage a Raymond Roussel (1974-75) remain an episode of his long and successful creative career only acknowledged by the specialist. The fact that the video production has not been commercialized by, more or less, vague reasons related to copyright disputes did not help to make this innovative work better known. The "Videografía", written in collaboration with its director José Montes Baquer and produced with Sony-Cologne and WDR, narrates the exploration of Dalí to the remote land of Mongolia in search of the Great White Mushroom. Salvador Dalí, a consummate expert in media manipulation, invites the spectator to become his accomplice and partner in what it seems a drug-induced trip to a faraway and distant land where wonderful treasures are hidden.


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